By Ian Miles Cheong | November 5, 2019

Transgender privileges have become a linchpin issue for progressives. Of course, transgender people deserve the same rights as everybody else in a civilized society. But through sleight of hand, left-wing gender activists have changed the terms of the debate over civil rights—quite literally.
This new generation of gender-identity justice advocates wants people to feel obligated to affirm their identity—they want privileges for their difference.
There are now calls to broaden the category of transgenderism and gender dysphoria to include gender-nonconforming individuals: those who reject the biological distinction between “male” and “female,” and feel this rejection is a defining attribute of their identity. “Non-binary” individuals argue that they face social stigma and encounter the same struggles as the rest of the LGBT community. Most American civil rights movements have demanded simply that members of the relevant group not be discriminated against—think Martin Luther King and the struggle against Jim Crow. But gender non-conformism is distinct from other LGBT movements in degree and kind. This new generation of gender-identity justice advocates wants people to feel obligated to affirm their identity—they want privileges for their difference.
And if you hesitate to acknowledge these privileges or participate in the endless performance of “allyship?”
Well, then you’re going to be branded a bigot.

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Written By:
Ian Miles Cheong
Ian Miles Cheong is the managing editor of Human Events.